Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Well I have finally put up the first two albums from our recent travels. Italy went up on Friday and Greece went up about ten minutes ago.

Its funny cause, being the perfectionist that I am, its hard for me to say when a piece is done. And since I'm still very much honing in on my skills...they all "seem" like works in progress. But I'm learning that what I create is more than just the subjects in the picture...its about what I felt while taking it. The more and more time I spend diving into the art, the more I yearn for it. I lose all track of time....its lovely.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

back from europe...

In short, my husband and I just spent three weeks in the mediterranean. It was the most fantastic honeymoon ever. We visited Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Israel. There were so many amazing sights to see, foods to consume, places to explore and languages to not understand. I have also amassed quite the collection of photos, if ya know what I'm saying. So after getting back, catching up on sleep, doing loads and loads of laundry...I have official begun the editing process. I'm so excited with what I have! I loved every click of the camera over there and have re-sparked my passion in a whole new way. So in a few days, or so, photos will be up...but here is a sneak sneak little peak.